When asked for gift suggestions this year, I responded that I prefer that people purchase things for me that they think I would like. When pressed, I admitted that I really wanted an 8' step ladder because I have 12' high ceilings and I was tired of having to borrow my dad's extremely heavy ladder. My family also knows that I love shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot. I wander up and down the aisles looking at everything - even things I cannot identify! When I lived in Seattle, we renovated several houses for re-sale (flips). I love working with my hands almost as much as I like quilting!
Well, I am now the proud owner of this

I was almost as excited about bringing this home as I was when I closed on the house. Getting it into the basement was an adventure (Thanks, Chad!) but I think I know how to maneuver it up and down the steps so now I have to decide what project to take on first!