Friday, September 23, 2011


My sister and her husband  have an orchard on their farm in Potter County.  Their apples are totally organic.  They don't spray or treat the trees in any way.  There is a bumper crop this year.  They have only harvested three trees so far (out of about 50) and I received a large basket.  My sister is not really sure what kind of apples they have.  We suspect that one is Rome and another is Empire.  The little green apples are still a mystery.  All are delicious and very crisp.  I love apples in the fall and do not eat them any other time of the year.

In our family, applesauce is called "Nannysauce" because it is my mother's specialty as far as the grandchildren are concerned.  This is the first time I have ever attempted applesauce.  I hope my grandchildren will call it "Grammysauce"!


  1. Ooooo, my mouth started 'squirting' just at the thought of those green apples! Gorgeous!

  2. Great pics! Apples in the fall - yum.


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