Sunday, March 25, 2012


I just saw a picture of a plastic dinosaur mounted on a piece of wood and painted all the same color to make a bookend.  Please, if someone sees me with a plastic animal and a glue gun in my hand, take both away from me.  Seriously.  Sometimes just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean that you should.

Or is it just me?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happy day!

I was driving on one of the back roads in Lancaster County and came across a yard sale in front of an antique shop.  I found a few things I thought needed to come home with me.  For just $2.25 I picked up a large Gorham silverplate Revere style bowl, an pretty ironstone cream pitcher, a ironstone sugar bowl that is missing the lid and a sweet white china pin box from Germany.

Surely got me in the mood for yard sale season to start!!