This is probably the first time in my life that I have wanted to rush winter and move into spring as quickly as possible. Last month I received a nearly $300 electric bill. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I immediately called the power company and found out that it was from an actual reading and that it included an extra 5 days. Still...that number was just way too high. I knew I had some draft issues. I just didn't realize how much they were costing me!
My brother has come for two consecutive weekends to do insulating work for me. He is coming again this Sunday to caulk. Apparently the meatball that "flipped" my house did not caulk around windows, baseboards or doors. My brother has shoved insulation everywhere he could reach and then put spray insulation around the sill plate in the basement. All of that has helped. My kitchen floor is very cold so in the spring he is going to put foam board insulation under my floor joists.
I love the look of my pocket door going down to the basement but it will have to be replaced. Way too much cold air gets around the door so right now I have the door pocket space filled with foam caulk filler. I hung an insulated curtain from WalMart over the door so that you can't see how strange the door looks.

"Frost King" is my new favorite company!